Michael Cripe
Michael Cripe graduated with a Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of South Florida in 2008 and became a BCBA in 2008. He had previously been a Florida Certified Behavior Analyst since 1988. Michael has worked with special populations for over 40 years in a number of behaviorally based programs. From 1988 to 1996, he served as a behavior specialist assigned to special projects at Tacachale, a large developmental services institution in Gainesville, Florida, where he oversaw implementation of Azrin-Foxx toilet training programs and was the staff liaison to the University of Florida's Demonstration Project on Self-Injurious Behavior.
In 1996, he was hired by Dr. Michael Stoutimore as one of a team of behavior analysts on a new project to provide behavior analysis services to dependent children and their caregivers in Hillsborough County, Florida. He continued working in child welfare with the Behavior Analysis Services Program until its end in 2008. Michael has consulted with practitioners from other disciplines throughout his career and enjoys providing a behavior analytic perspective to colleagues from other backgrounds. His areas of interest include behavior analytic approaches to issues in child welfare, corrections, and education. Since 2016, he has worked for the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities where he reviews behavior services and provides technical assistance to stakeholders who serve individuals with behavior challenges.