Keuper Statue

Florida Tech is driven to continue its pursuit of excellence. Never satisfied to rest on our laurels, we are aiming to deliver the best quality education in the nation. We strive to ensure that we are accessible for every outstanding student regardless of their financial circumstances. And as a research university, we seek to advance the forefront of knowledge and discovery. Philanthropy, simply put, can be the differentiator and gifts from alumni, faculty, parents and friends drives us forward without relying solely on, or dramatically increasing, tuition dollars to reach our ambitious goals.

In truth, Florida Tech does not have needs—Florida Tech meets needs. Your support is a chance to join us in building a stronger future through education, research and service.

Florida Tech is recognized among the best universities in the world, but is also unique. When you support Florida Tech, you are supporting a University that is committed to:

The very best model of education—the small classroom. The research is clear. The best learning environment is one that involves facilitated discussions that actively engage every student and challenges them to form and articulate their ideas to the teacher and their classmates. We strongly adhere to this philosophy and believe that it is a major reason our graduates are so successful.

Hands-on education—learning by doing. We believe in starting from the very first year and continue throughout each students’ time at Florida Tech to provide opportunities to put classroom education into practice and to get their hands dirty.

Promoting relentless determination—because being smart isn't enough. We attract and develop students who are ready to put in the time and work. Our students see the goal and drive for it when others give up. They have a passion and zest for their careers and for impacting the world. Supporting such determined and dedicated students is a fantastic investment in the future.

Advancing the forefront of discovery—and making a difference. Florida Tech faculty in all four colleges are leaders in their fields and are pushing the boundaries, not only in teaching, but also in the labs and through their scholarship and research. They know that research and teaching go hand-in-hand and help us to graduate the finest students.

Being industry-responsive—meeting employers' needs for top talent. One of the most important and valued aspects of Florida Tech’s relationships with companies is our ability to engage employers in constantly evaluating their needs and ensuring our students are ready to hit the ground running when they are hired. We believe firmly in growing both the student’s raw abilities to learn, analyze and tackle challenges, and their ability to apply current skills and to understand the latest software applications, procedures, and tools that they will be called upon to use when hired.

Alumni give because they are grateful for their education and want to pay it back and because they see in these and other traits at Florida Tech something that is different from other places. Faculty and staff support because they are so deeply invested and know better than anyone the difference we make. Parents give because they see the impact we have one the people most important to them—their children. Individuals and companies in the community give often because of the impact we have on the quality of life and economic health of Brevard County and beyond. And others give just because they too want to join in the satisfaction of changing the world through support for Florida Tech.

First, financial contributions are just one of the ways to give. We also greatly value the contributions of time and talent and invite you to engage with the university in meaningful ways, whether by coaching a student, working with a faculty member, or even just sharing pride in the university as we seek to increase our national and global reputation.

As you consider philanthropic support, consider the following starting points:

Annual Support

Loyal annual giving is the lifeblood of the university and consistently supporting each year makes a tremendous difference. Annual donors can support the Panther Fund (resources to support students and faculty as needs and opportunities arise) or a designated area, such as the Evans Library, Scott Center for Autism, academic colleges or athletic programs. We are especially grateful for our Galaxy Society members who provide leadership support. But every gift is critical, and our ranking depends on the percentage of alumni support.

Examples of annual giving include:

  • Purchasing tickets to attend signature fundraisers such as Sporting Affair, Evening of Hope or Inside the Huddle
  • Responding when we send direct mail and electronic invitations to support (we try not to send too many!)
  • Making a gift-in-kind (donating equipment, software, vehicles, etc.), which may be used by university students or staff or, with your agreement, sold to support the annual fund

Major Gifts

If the time is right in your life, and you are ready to make a long-term impact gift, you can speak with a major gift officer. Many donors want to know the current priorities and wish to support the vision of our leadership. Others have ideas and areas where they are particularly inclined to impact. In all cases, we will work with you with donor-centeredness and integrity to make sure that your objectives are met. Major gifts are typically given to build new facilities, to purchase equipment, or are used to establish endowments. Endowments are permanent gifts that will sustain a scholarship, faculty position, or other program in perpetuity. Such gifts can be made currently (cash, stocks, etc) or may be pledged or committed through one’s estate planning (bequest, gift annuities, life insurance, etc). Again, our gift officers are there to assist and provide you and your financial advisor with the information you need.


Our staff is here to educate donors about the opportunities and priorities of the university. Then we are here to listen and understand your priorities. We are successful when we are able to bring these together. Advancement staff work to engage all of our philanthropic constituents in ways that are meaningful and impactful. We seek to maintain communication and accountability to donors. We are committed to overseeing appropriate stewardship and recognition of gifts. We are deeply respectful of our donors and are driven to make sure that your relationship with the university is a positive experience. And we work hard to secure the legacy of our donors as an important part of the evolving history of Florida Tech.

Florida Tech's Advancement staff adheres to the Association of Fundraising Professionals Donor Bill of Rights, which states:

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:

  1. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  3. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  6. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
  10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

Yes. Florida Institute of Technology is a 501(c)3 organization and gifts are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The Office of Advancement will provide you with a letter for your tax filing purposes. Keep in mind that some gifts may have a “return in goods and services” or something you receive in return that has a fair market value. If so, your letter will stipulate the portion that is not considered a tax deduction. For example, tickets to an event may be only partially tax deductible, because you receive a dinner, etc. Also, raffle tickets are not considered gifts and auction items for which you paid less than the estimated value are not considered gifts. There are many nuances in how the IRS defines a “gift” and this description is not intended to offer tax advice or information. You should consult your tax advisor. If you should lose your tax deductible letter, please feel free to contact our office for a copy.

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